
EVMavericks Weekly Updates every Monday!


Last updated: 5/14/2023

EVMavericks Weekly #18: May 8-14, 2023

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🦁Everything you need to know about the last week in EVMavericks in less than 69.6 seconds 👇

  1. The initial temperature check snapshot regarding applying for RocketPools oDAO has passed. Join #rocket-pool-odao in the discord if you want to contribute. The next Rocket Pool oDAO Application Working Meeting is on Monday 22nd - 12PM PST. Summary of the EVM RPLoDAO meeting #1 by the A-word

  2. Chad Fund has been paused due to participating members not being degen enough and having IRL commitments.

  3. While the Ethfinance Weekly Doots was cancelled for the last week, we have a few exciting guests for our next ones!

  4. There’s still one month for Buidlathon! Build a project and have a chance of winning up to 5E!  
